Sunday, 26 February 2017

S015 - Sluggers


Ardor is a fan of the Walking Dead and we know we're not alone, but with the latest season fans of the comic have seen Negan, the leader of the Saviours come to life on the screen. For anyone who is a fan of the comics Negan needs no introduction and after the first episode of season 7 the fans of the TV show are most likely wishing they'd never had one.

To celebrate Season 7 of the Walking Dead Ardor bring to you another specialty kit, Sluggers! With a baseball jersey design, Negan gets his own team and also gets it a little.... messy.

Created for: Walking Dead Season 7

Base Colour: R06 G06 B06


Base Design: 11


Name Print

Display: ON
Position: +31
Zoom: +2
Font Type: 3
Arch: Type 1
Font Colour: R32 G00 B00

Squad Number

Position: +18
Zoom: +7
Font Type: 3
Font Colour: R32 G00 B00

Chest Number

Display: ON
Vertical Position: +13
Horizontal Position: +25
Zoom: -5
Font Colour: R06 G06 B06

Shorts Number

Display: Left
Vertical Position: +5
Horizontal Position: +22
Zoom: +2
Font Colour: R32 G00 B00

Friday, 3 February 2017

S014 - World Cancer Day Special

World Cancer Day Special

A truly global event taking place every year on 4 February, World Cancer Day unites the world’s population in the fight against cancer.
It aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about the disease, pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action. 
To help raise awareness Ardor is releasing this "wear pink" kit to the community. All we ask is if you wear it, share it via this page and make sure to visit and share the link to . If you're feeling extra generous why not make a donation on their website's main page and help the fight against cancer.

Created for: World Cancer Day

Base Colour: R61 G25 B37


Base Design: 02


Name Print

Display: ON
Position: +32
Zoom: +0
Font Type: 3
Arch: Type 4
Font Colour: R61 G61 B61

Squad Number

Position: +17
Zoom: +1
Font Type: 3
Font Colour: R61 G61 B61

Chest Number

Display: OFF

Shorts Number

Display: OFF